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Monthly Police Judo Training - ALL ACCESS $100 (OSP)

This monthly membership option provides UNLIMITED access to Police Judo classes at the OSP (5487 Lane St., Burnaby) location. This membership will renew AUTOMATICALLY on the first day of each month using the payment method saved in the account. If you are registering later in the month, the cost for the remaining days of the month will be automatically prorated. You will be paying the full amount at the renewal date for the following month. If you need to put your membership on HOLD or CHANGE the membership option, talk to an instructor or send an email to or
An active LETA membership (annually paid) is required to train with Police Judo.

Membership Terms
Contract Length: 1 month(s)
Attendance: Unlimited classes
Begin Date: 15-May-2024
End Date: 1-Jun-2024
Payment Terms
Price: $100.00 monthly

Due Now

First Installment  $54.84(prorated)

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